This personal interest project has been a quite interesting and factual task where I was able to explore and investigate a part of the 'Identity' topic which I felt intrigued me. This project has enabled me to take charge of my learning and reach my full capability with individual tasks.

The completed project consists of a website with 6 tabs on it, 5 of which include information and visual representations on the story of Malala Yousafzai and the way events and factors in her life have impacted her identity. The final tab is where I recorded my blog.

I feel the way I have presented all of my research and analysis of Malala is very effective owing to the fact that I have used different ways of expressing information, such as images/slideshows, videos, text and quotes. All of these help the viewer grasp a better understanding of my intention and focus for the project in an easy and quick way.

At the beginning of this project I stated that using the habits of mind, planning my ideas, checking my work with another person and managing my time would help me to complete everything as best as I can. I have without doubt used the habits of mind every time I worked on the project; such as I persisted when choosing a way to present the project and when I could not find anything I entirely liked. I also used that habit of mind 'Creating, Imagining and Innovating' when I began to form the multimedia presentation. I also certainly checked my work with my friends constantly to get another person's opinion and view. Managing my time was not a problem either as I used all of class time lessons effectively and worked on the task a little bit each night to finish on time. 

After reflecting and thinking about this entire project I have come to realise that my knowledge and understanding on the impact of events in our lives has grown. Malala Yousafzai is a role model to everyone; boy or girl, woman or man. Researching her life story has been an experience I won't forget where I have learnt many new things; such as how to thoroughly appreciate education and the way I, as a young woman, am treated equally here in Australia. This task has been a great opportunity for me and I do hope that not only English but other subjects will offer an assignment similar to this some time in the future.  

6/5/2019 05:17:13 pm

Can you please tell us what the brief for this project was? Is it IBMYP? Do you have links to any other students who did a similar project? This is an inspiring example!


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